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Advanced Production For Ableton Live 10





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2405 Pine St. PO Box 46837 Vancouver, BC V6J 5M4

Advanced Production For Ableton Live 10(圖1)-速報App

House legend Olav Basoski is back with another Ableton Live 10 course! Watch him create an old-school House track right before your eyes, and learn lots of pro techniques along the way.

House music is as big as when it was invented in Chicago in the early 80s. And with a DAW like Ableton Live 10, it’s a lot of fun to produce! From beats, to melodies, to the drop, this Ableton Live course —by legendary dance music producer Olav Basoski—will take you through all the steps in creating your unique house track… or whatever EDM genre you are producing!

Olav starts by explaining how to build the foundation of any dance track, the kick drum. From there, he creates a slamming beat with classic TR-909 sounds, percussion elements, effects, and he gives the beat more edge using some clever processing. After adding an arp synth line with Ableton’s new Wavetable synth, some disco strings, and that famous M1 Bass sound (popularized by StoneBridge), Olav is ready to build an arrangement. This is where you discover tips to create perfect intros, breaks, white noise effects, and exciting build-ups, complete with snare rolls and automation… all leading to that moment everybody’s waiting for: the drop!

Advanced Production For Ableton Live 10(圖2)-速報App

So sit back and join the amazing and always entertaining Olav Basoski in this course. After watching these 21 tutorials, you will have the knowledge and inspiration to produce your own dance floor masterpieces.

Ableton Live 10 401

Advanced Track Production

Advanced Production For Ableton Live 10(圖3)-速報App

21 videos | 83 minutes | by Olav Basoski

Advanced Production For Ableton Live 10(圖4)-速報App